All payment should be by a bank transfer to the Gulf Index account described in Payment Details section either online using E- bank services or wire transfer.
In both cases please Save and/or scan the receipt for registration purposes. Participant must write the bank transfer number, date of transfer, name of the bank on the registration filed in the website and attach the bank slip.
Successful Registrants will receive an immediate email notification with the invoice.
Payments may also be made in cash onsite at the Registration Desk as onsite registration fee.
Registration fee is determined at the time of payment.
If you don’t receive the confirmation letter after 5 working day please contact us on
No refunds will be given for registration cancellations made after that time.
Cancellation requests must identify the registrant’s name, email address, confirmation number, and amount paid. Send cancellation requests to
Terms and Conditions of the Membership System
In this section we explain all the consequences of your participation in the system and what determines and governs the benefits of membership packages in addition to the requirements and obligations of the service provider and the subscriber in the system, so we hope that all members who subscribe or want to join us to be familiar with the terms and conditions of the membership system.
Explanation of some of the words contained in the terms and conditions:
Service Provider: Gulf Index
Subscriber – Member – Members: The person/ Organization that benefit of the service provided.
Service: The service of the membership system that provides access to the academic library containing scientific materials.
Package: means a copy of the service and each package contains a price and special features.
Membership Benefits: Additional free features offered to members of a paid package.
Website / Platform: the Gulf Index website (
Library: Library of recorded scientific materials available to the members subscribe in the membership system.
Subscribing to the system: Obtaining access to one of the membership packages and benefiting from its services
What is the membership system?
Is a system that allows its members to take advantage of several educational services offered by the Gulf Index by subscribing to one of the membership packages available for a fixed fee.
Period of the Membership:
The membership period valid from the date of subscription until the full calendar year (365 days).
Membership allows subscribers to benefit from the package they subscribe to.
Membership System Feature:
The main advantage of the membership system is the ability to purchase unlimited educational services over an entire year, as well as other benefits according to the package chosen by the subscriber.
The value of the educational services available to you in the membership system will be more than the amount you will pay as a package price. This is an important feature provided by the system to its members.Basic Service Pillars:
The basic service provided to you at the time of subscription is unlimited access to the content of the Academy library. (courses, lectures, and recorded scientific programs) which are currently in the list below or those that we will add in the future in the library without any additional fees.
Also, each package of membership packages has its own features, as well as other features that include all or some of the bundles, including but not limited to “ unlimited access to library content, free online courses and lectures, free certificates, permanent discounts, and special rates, membership gifts, partner discounts, special invitations to participate in events before the public announcement … etc”
Anyone who has an account in the Gulf Index can subscribe to the membership system. Also, those who do not have an account in the Gulf Index may create an account free of charge in order to subscribe to the system, the requirements of creating a new account is simple.
Your subscription to a paid package means:
Purchase of access to the library of the Academy only during the period of subscription, does not mean that you own any of the materials or features provided. We announce that all services and other features that are not entitled to access to the library are add-on services and are not included in the subscription fee. This results in the right of the Gulf Index to cancel it or not to provide it for any reason and notify the members by email.
Subscription fee:
Subscription fees vary according to the package to be subscribed. Four packages are currently available as follows:
Free Package: Free of charge.
First package: 2746.2 SAR per year
Second package: for 3713.235 SAR per year
Organization package: Please contact us to get a quote on Gulf
Subscription fees are fixed and no additional charges are required from the member during the subscription period.
Upgrade package:
All members can upgrade the subscription from either the free package to one of the paid packages or from one paid package to higher paid packages.
When requesting a package upgrade, the fee of the first package must be paid if the member package is the free package, If the member package is the first package, the member must pay the difference between the two packages.
In order to upgrade from the first package (with a fee of 2746.2 SAR annually), the member must pay the difference between the lower package and the higher package (with a fee of 3713.235 SAR annually), ie 3713.235 – 2746.2 = 967 SAR. Also, Membership cannot be transferred from a higher package to a lower package after 7 days of subscription.
Renew subscription:
Your subscription will be renewed automatically at the end of each year.
Please Make sure from the followings:
– Always keep your billing information updated to avoid billing failures for the subscription and to ensure we charge the correct card. If auto-renewal failed, your membership plan will be downgraded to a free plan within 7 days.
– If you don’t want the subscription to continue, you must cancel it before the end of the period to avoid being charged for the next subscription period.
Cancellation and refund:
You can unsubscribe and refund the full fee within the period of cancellation and refund, which is 7 days from the payment of the fees, provided that the member does not benefit from discounts for paid activities which are not within the recorded academic library. If the member uses any of the discounts within the first 7 days, the discount will be deducted from the subscription fees and the rest of the fees will be returned to the member.
If the set of deductions used is greater than the membership fees, the member is not entitled to claim participation fees and has the right to cancel or retain membership.
After 7 days of subscription without requesting the member to cancel his subscription and refund his fees, the member is not entitled to request a refund of fees, and he may transfer his membership to another member, by sending an official request to us, and Gulf Index is not responsible for collecting membership fees from the new member to the original subscriber.
Termination of subscription:
The member’s access to his / her account in the system is terminated upon termination of his or her membership in the trial period or annual membership or when he/she is requested to cancel his / her membership during the cancellation and refund period or after that upon the member’s request. The termination of subscription means that the member can not access the library of the Academy, and can not benefit from the other membership advantages, in addition, to cancel the registration of the member in any future performance registered through the paid membership and benefited from the advantages of membership such as discounts and others before the cancellation of subscription.
Stop renewing the subscription or changing packages:
The Academy has the right to stop the renewal of subscription to one or all packages or to replace them with other packages, without prejudice to the entitlement of members participating in these packages until the end of their annual subscription, in addition, after the subscription of the old package expired, they can subscribe to the new or modified packages with the new fees and features advertised at the time.
The Gulf Index will communicate any price changes to you in advance.
Freeze Membership:
The system does not allow membership to be frozen at present, so membership is valid from the first day of subscription and for a full calendar year (365 days).
Obligations and promises of the system:
The system of membership is committed to providing access to the existing library at Gulf Index/classes according to the member’s package only. The system does not comply with the creation or addition or availability of new materials, programs or activities for the library. The option to add new materials to the library is due to the Gulf Index.
Also, the ability of members to benefit from discounts is linked to decisions of launching courses or events by the Learning and Education department of the Gulf Index, as well as our contracts with other organizations that provide events or conferences. This means that we do not commit to offer specific or nonspecific programs, courses or conferences during the subscription period. Subscription in the membership system does not mean that during the period of your participation, you will definitely find certain events or conferences in your specialty or interest in order to benefit from discounts or other features.
Discounts, services and goods provided by the Gulf Index’s partners are subject to the policy of the provider, and the Academy is not responsible.
Usage Policy:
The use of membership packages and associated services is subject to the general use policy of the Gulf Index (Policy Usage Link)
In addition to the terms and conditions of the membership system.
Terms of use :
The Subscriber shall abide by the system by using the features of the system for his/her personal use only, and he/she alone has this right for that, and he/she is not entitled to make his/her account available to others or for commercial use or any other method of use that comes out of personal use.
The material available in the system must be used within the framework of the academic platform. The member is not entitled to transfer, register, copy or otherwise photocopy the materials, even in cases of personal use of materials.
The right of a member to register for events or to benefit from the library materials is related to his / her specialty. Therefore, in some cases, some materials are not available for member who are not the target in the program or not his/her specialty, especially the exam preparation programs, and the member is entitled to provide proof of his/her specialty in order to allow him to use the exclusive materials for certain disciplines.
Obtaining certificates and CME hours and all the consequent attendances of the event are subject to the requirements of obtaining it by all event alone. This includes, but is not limited to: Direct attendance through membership account of at least 60% of the conferences and courses and the events depend on live broadcast at the time of the meeting in order to obtain the certificate and hours, and must pass the tests in order to obtain the certificate and hours of accredited courses … etc, A member who has not completed the requirements for obtaining the certificate or the hours required is not eligible to receive them and not entitled to claim any fees he pays if he fails to meet these requirements. In such cases, The policy of recovery follows the public policy of cancellation of registration and refund of fees of the Gulf Index. (link).
The registration of the accredited attendance for any activity must be through the membership account of the member (his or her username and password). Attendance is not considered as accredited by attending as a guest for any event which is awarded the certificate or CME hours.
The member is responsible for his/her account in the membership system and is fully responsible for keeping his/her data and not disclosing it to others. Any violation of the usage policy or the terms and conditions related to this system shall be issued through his/her account and shall bear the full legal responsibility.
Attendance Method :
Attendance through the virtual classroom is equivalent to the traditional classroom. Please note that the system will track learners attendance, participation, and the time of assignment submission to determine if the participant is eligible to receive the certificate.
Certain courses will require hands-on training to practice the skills. The learners will need to attend this part offsite to be eligible to receive the certificate..
Obtaining certificates and CME hours and all the consequent attendances of the event are subject to the requirements of obtaining it by all event alone. This includes, but is not limited to: Direct attendance through membership account of at least 60% of the conferences and courses and the events depend on live broadcast at the time of the meeting in order to obtain the certificate and hours, and must pass the tests in order to obtain the certificate and hours of accredited courses … etc, A member who has not completed the requirements for obtaining the certificate or the hours required is not eligible to receive them and not entitled to claim any fees he pays if he fails to meet these requirements
* The Gulf Index commits not to exceed the allowed number of trainees in the synchronous virtual classes.
Privacy policy :
The service provider is committed to respecting the privacy of the subscribers of the system packages and maintaining the confidentiality of all their data, and not to access their own accounts unless the member requests from the service provider after providing the entry data for any purpose required by the subscriber and requires the entry of the service provider.
The service provider have the right to use the data for the following purposes:
The purposes of statistics and the work of research and studies without disclosing the personal data of any member in order to develop the system.
The purpose of marketing and communication with members when signing up or registering for events or notification of any updates of interest to the member and evaluation of services provided to the Academy and its partners.
The purposes of adding CME hours, certificates, invoices, registration confirmation letters, etc.
Customer service purposes when communicating with the Care Center.
The member may submit an application after contacting him or canceling the notifications or permanently deleting his/her account from the system. We note that if the account is permanently deleted, it will erase all the data including the member’s certificates of the activities in which he participated in his personal file As well as access to the Gulf Index platform permanently.
Edit profile:
A member can submit a request to modify his or her personal data, in a manner that does not alter the account owner completely. he/she can modify “The name and spelling errors, e-mail, mobile number, Saudi Commission number, etc.” by contacting the member’s care center.
Communication and customer service:
The technical support team works to provide its services to all members in several ways, as follows:
– Phone
– Support in the virtual Classroom
– Support Form
To answer your questions or assistance, please contact us at:
By phone: 1234567890
Twitter: @Gulf Index_care
Submit your suggestions:
Speaker Relation: Gulf
Inquiry about Gulf Index Courses: Gulf
These are the official means of communication with us.
Service interruption / Or the service provider stops providing the service:
In case of interruption of service, for maintenance and other reasons, the service provider shall compensate the members for the number of days on which the service was terminated, by extending the period of their participation.
By phone: 920015991
If the service provider stops providing the service:
By acquiring another company on the service provider then the management shall transfer to the acquiring company and the program and its contributions shall be deemed to belong to it and may continue with this agreement or change what it.
In such case, the service provider shall notify the subscriber before the transfer of ownership. If the membership subscription does not expire at the time, the service provider shall oblige the acquiring company to comply with the agreement until the member’s membership is terminated.
The service provider can not continue to provide the service.
In this case, the service provider is obliged to inform the subscriber of the period available in the system. If the subscriber has a remaining period of subscription, the service provider will refund the amount of the remaining amount to the subscriber, as follows:
In the case of 1 to 6 days of subscription, 100% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 7 days to 30 days of subscription, 92% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 31 days to 60 days of subscription, 84% of the subscription fee is returned.
In case of 61 days to 90 days of subscription, 75% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 91 days to 120 days of subscription, 67% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 121 days to 150 days of subscription, 59% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 151 days to 180 days of subscription, 51% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the event of 181 days to 210 days of subscription, 43% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the event of 211 days to 240 days of subscription, 35% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 240 days to 269 days of subscription, 27% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 270 days to 299 days of subscription, 19% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the case of 300 days to 329 days of subscription, 11% of the subscription fee is returned.
In the event of 330 days to 359 days of subscription, 8% of the subscription fee is returned.
In 360 days to 364 days of subscription, 5% of the subscription fee is returned.
Usage Policy Violation:
The Gulf Index may terminate the membership of any member temporarily or permanently in violation of the usage policy without notice. The member is not entitled to claim any fees or damages as a result, and the Academy is entitled to ask the member for damages resulting from the violation of the terms and conditions related to the membership system.
Change Terms & Conditions:
The Gulf Index reserves the right to change the terms and conditions whenever it deems fit and informs members of any updates to the Terms and Conditions.
Approval :
Participation in the membership system means that the subscriber is fully aware of and understands all the terms and conditions relating to this system, and he/she has read and approved and that he is fully bound by them and is responsible for any violation monitored by him or through his account in this system.